Making Calendar with ggplot + Moon Phase Calendar for fun
Making calendar using ggplot2 + using Moon Phase font
Making Calendar with ggplot2
I recently discovered font called Moon Phase. I also recently discovered R package, suncalc, and I can get Moon Illumination data by day, so I thought I’d use both to create a simple calendar using ggplot2.
Prepping The Data
To make calendar, I need to strip out weekday, month, day, week number within a month. So I can use weekday as x-axis, week number within a month as y-axis, and facet by month.
## use getMoonIllusmination function to get moon fraction, phase, and angle for 2018.
Moon_2018 <-getMoonIllumination(date = seq.Date(as.Date("2018-01-01"), as.Date("2018-12-31"), by = 1),
keep = c("fraction", "phase", "angle"))
## Append Extra Info, so I can use ggplot to make calendar.
Moon_2018_df <- Moon_2018 %>%
mutate(wkdy = fct_inorder(weekdays(date, abbreviate=T)), ## 2018 worked well because it starts on Monday
wkn = week(date), ## Week Number
mo = month(date, label=T, abbr=T), ## Month
day = day(date), ## Day
moon.phase = cut(#phase,breaks=seq(0,1,by=1/28), ## this doesn't work...
ordered_result=T)) %>%
group_by(mo) %>%
mutate( = dense_rank(wkn)) %>%
## Simply cutting into 28 blocks didn't work out..
moon.font.tb <- tibble(
moon.font = c(NA, letters[rep(1:13,rep(2,13))], 0,0, letters[rep(14:26,rep(2,13))],NA),
moon.phase = levels(Moon_2018_df$moon.phase)
Moon_2018_df <- Moon_2018_df %>% left_join(moon.font.tb)
## Show the data around today to see what data above looks like.
Moon_2018_df %>% filter(between(date,today()-3,today()+3)) %>% kable()
date | fraction | phase | angle | wkdy | wkn | mo | day | moon.phase | | moon.font |
2018-05-23 | 0.5928637 | 0.2797321 | -1.1692842 | Wed | 21 | May | 23 | (0.268,0.286] | 4 | h |
2018-05-24 | 0.7013470 | 0.3159631 | -1.1353234 | Thu | 21 | May | 24 | (0.304,0.321] | 4 | i |
2018-05-25 | 0.7972031 | 0.3513064 | -1.1143088 | Fri | 21 | May | 25 | (0.339,0.357] | 4 | j |
2018-05-26 | 0.8764075 | 0.3856523 | -1.1008454 | Sat | 21 | May | 26 | (0.375,0.393] | 4 | k |
2018-05-27 | 0.9364869 | 0.4189058 | -1.0823715 | Sun | 21 | May | 27 | (0.411,0.429] | 4 | l |
2018-05-28 | 0.9763419 | 0.4508451 | -1.0183864 | Mon | 22 | May | 28 | (0.446,0.464] | 5 | m |
2018-05-29 | 0.9959399 | 0.4797038 | -0.6465735 | Tue | 22 | May | 29 | (0.464,0.482] | 5 | m |
Just Simple Calendar
First I just made simple calendar with below code.
## Here's Just Calendar Part
Moon_2018_df %>% ggplot(aes(x=wkdy, +
geom_point(alpha=0.3, aes(color=wkdy), size=8) +
geom_text(aes(label=day),family="Roboto Condensed") +
facet_wrap(~mo, scales="free_x", ncol=3) + ## So that Each Line is Quarter!
scale_x_discrete() +
scale_y_reverse(breaks=NULL) +
scale_colour_viridis_d(guide="none") +
theme_ipsum_rc() +
labs(title="2018", x="Start of week is Monday", y="") +
Moon Phase Calendar
This time, I tried using geom_tile function to create tiles. I’ve coloured sell using fraction (illuminated fraction of the moon). 0 is New Moon, and 1 is Full Moon. When it’s Full moon sky is lighter, so I’ve coloured cell little bit lighter.
Moon_2018_df %>% ggplot(aes(x=wkdy, +
geom_tile(alpha=0.8, aes(fill=fraction)) +
geom_text(aes(label=paste0(" ",day)),size=3,family="Roboto Condensed",hjust=0, color="white") +
geom_text(aes(label=moon.font), family="Moon Phases", hjust=1, color="white", size=5) +
facet_wrap(~mo, scales="free_x", ncol=3) + ## So that Each Line is Quarter!
scale_x_discrete() +
scale_y_reverse(breaks=NULL) +
scale_fill_viridis_c(name="Moon Illumination", option="inferno", begin=0, end=0.25, guide="none") + ## so that sky is darkest when there's new moon
theme_ipsum_rc() +
labs(title="2018 Moon Phase Calendar", x="Start of week is Monday", y="") +
expand_limits(y=c(0.5,6.5)) +
Yet Another Calendar
Moon_2018_df %>%
ggplot(aes(x=day, y=fct_rev(mo))) +
theme_minimal(base_family="Roboto Condensed") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(1:31), position="top") +
geom_text(aes(label=moon.font, color=fraction),family="Moon Phases", hjust=0.5, vjust=0.5, size=8, alpha=0.5) +
geom_text(aes(label=paste0(day,"\n",wkdy)), family="Roboto Condensed", lineheight=0.8, size=4) +
labs(x="", y="", title="Another Type of Calendar") +
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